Martina is advancing research operations by performing all the in vivo cell-based assays and flow cytometry assays for GlydeBio, a company focusing on immunotherapies that target the cancer glycome. This week, we asked Martina a few questions to see what it's like to be a cell therapy scientist in Cambridge.

What is your earliest memory of being interested in science?
"I don’t remember how old I was (I guess little enough not to remember how old I was lol) but my parents gave me a Little Chemist kit for Christmas. I've been told that ever since then I started going around saying I wanted to be a scientist when I grew up. The earliest memory of me actually getting interested in science is from 8th grade when during a science test I was able to remember the whole chemical formula for photosynthesis even though it wasn't required of us and that got me extremely excited!"
What is your favorite lab equipment to use?
"More than a piece of equipment I would have to say the Tissue Culture room in general. A lot of my job consists of culturing and maintaining cell lines and Nest's TC room has everything I need to make that part of my job a lot easier."
What's the most challenging part of your field?
"Trying to always stay updated on the latest discoveries. The field of immunology and cell therapy is progressing so fast that sometimes it's challenging to keep up with it, but I guess that that's also what makes it fun and what keeps it exciting. You can never get bored in this field because of that!"
What would you like to see for the future of your field of research in 20 years?
"A cure for cancer would be great! At the speed at which immunotherapy and cell therapy are moving, it wouldn’t be unrealistic to hope for a cure for cancer in the next 20 years! And why stop there? While we're at it I hope to see cures for autoimmune diseases such as MS, RA, Lupus to name a few."
When not working at GlydeBio, what do you typically like to do?
"In my free time, I like to stay active! I go on long walks and hikes with my dog Marley, I teach tennis to kids and
adults at a tennis club, and I'm also a personal trainer in my spare time! I love going to the beach and reading a good book in the summer and spending most of my weekend's skiing in the winter!"
Thank you, Martina, for your responses! Click here to learn more about GlydeBio.
